El Gringoqueño

All a man needs out of life is a place to sit ‘n’ spit in the fire.

Page 47 of 51

Olaia-isms Part III

We were watching CNN this morning, and the morning crew was talking
about Eminem, specifically how his lyrics affect youth today etc. Blah
blah. Paula Zahn was defending him, or at least saying that people like
him are not responsibile for problems with today’s youth. Bill Hemmer
was on the other side with the typical, "I think Eminem, although
talented and incredibly popular, needs to take to heart a sense of
social responsibility."

At which point, I said, "Aw, Eminem’s just a bunch of trash."

Olaia, looked up at me emphatically, and summoning all the credibilty
she could muster, "Daddy, M&M’s are not trash, they are CANDY."

It’s Not Software. It’s Drama.

Microsoft Windows fills life with drama. Everyone hates it, but everyone keeps it on their desktop. Why?

"Hey Bob, I need that sales report by 1 pm today."

"Can’t get it to you by then, I’ll be here late. Got this problem in
Windows that I need to track down. Something is corrupting the
registry, and I’m on the phone with MS Tech Support right now. They say
they have a service pack. Looks like the afternoon’s shot."

"Oh, okay, good luck man." And you can almost hear him say, May the
force be with you, like Bob, is locked in battle with the forces of
darkness, defending all that is good and noble, while at the same time
risking his very existence. We need for our mundane mostly non-creative
work days to be filled with meaning, excitement.

You don’t believe me? Watch an office go into crisis mode after
somebody opens an email with a virus attachment. All kinds of crisis
management actions get kicked into place. First somebody shuts off the
Internet connection, then they quarantine the guy’s workstation. Then
the forensic team, made up of PC Week readers start to speculate on
what’s been affected and how to fix it. I think we have to reformat.
Should do a sweep of the entire network. We have to change all the
passwords. And out come the service packs… and oh there are many.
This could be weeks of work. You can almost detect the glee. There’s
this smell of semi-anxious nervous exhilaration.

It’s an attack! We’re under attack! This is HISTORY! It’ll be rough
men, but we’ll weather this. We’re in it together. If we go down, I
just want to let you know that you’re the finest group of people that
I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.

And you can hear the ratta-tat-tat of automatic fire, and the screams
of "I’ve lost ALL my data!" amongst the chaos and the drama.

Sigh, I feel left out. Linux never lies to me about the level of drama
in my life. Never. It lies about as much as a hammer. Linux is boring.
Linux forces you to do work, or face the fact that you are not being
productive. Sometimes Linux pisses me off. It doesn’t crash. It never
loses my work. I never get a virus. I feel left out.

These other people are living this incredible drama that magazines
write about. News channels are dedicated to it. The federal government
is hot on the issue. Everybody has it. Everybody complains about it.
The entire nation is embroiled in this compelling soul draining soap
opera that is Microsoft Windows.

And me? Little ol’ me? I sit unhappily in front of my Linux workstation
wishing to procrastinate… searching for a struggle, a cause,
something, anything. But there I sit. Guess I’d better get back to work
or I won’t have anything to eat.

Cool Dude

jaimito_looking_cool_sm.jpgI just downloaded some pictures from the camera and found this one
of Jaimito that just keeps me chuckling (which I edited and put in a
different background). Look at that face, so earnest, so impish, so
knowing. What a stare. It’s like he knows he’s got you wrapped around
his finger, the little showoff.

He’s getting bigger and bigger every day and like his sister already
has a strong personality. He loves to play, laugh and is easily amused.
He also gets quite grumpy when no one is paying attention to him. If
left alone in his bouncer seat for two seconds, he’s wailing for
someone to play. You appear, and like magic, the floodworks are
instantaneously shut off. To tell you the truth, I think this picture
just about sums up his entire personality, the hint of a smile, the
feeling that he knows more than he lets on, and a reclining pose that
oozes self assurance.

Oh, he’s going to be trouble, that little one. *chuckle*

Death to Symbols

Lots of things have been happening to us (most not so good) so most
of it’s my internal coping, trying to come up with a method for dealing
with life. It’s not so bad though, just hard.

I’d like to clamber out of the crucible for a little while. Don’t get
me wrong. This crucible that is Puerto Rico, life etc. has helped me
become a better person. That I firmly believe. It’s also shown me how
woefully lacking is the world in great people, people of conscience,
people of passion.

Why can’t all these world leaders, caught up in their petty little
differences just make a bold move? At the moment of such hate, anger,
and fear… just reach out and embrace them. Do something so outside
the box as to stun the world into peace. It’s all there for the asking.
It just takes someone to make the leap. Sigh, there I go again.

Anyway, sometimes things happen to you and although they make you
better you don’t wish for them again. Take boot camp for example, a
worthwhile venture, but not one I’d care to repeat. Same goes for
Puerto Rico… however, it’s given me perspective on hardship that I
wouldn’t otherwise have.

If I was Arafat or Sharon, I’d resign. They are the two biggest
obstacles of peace in the Middle East. Two big angry idiots defending
their houses of cards. Each CAN NEVER admit fault. My system is
impeachable and I will fight to the death for it, they scream at each

Show me a person willing to kill for his system of beliefs and I will show you a person that does not believe them.

Each is so scared of pulling one single card. What happens when you
pull one single card from the house of infallibility? Were we ever
infallible to begin with?

Not that simple, you say? You can’t
just make bold moves like that and expect to get away with it? Hah, the
world IS that simple. It’s motivated by simplicity, bold deeds, people
who take action, and move with passion. What’s blocking the Mid East
from moving forward is one single thing, so simple that I imagine once
they figure it out the feeling stupid will nag them for generations.

Don’t preserve your way of life. Preserve your people. What good is a
way of life if everyone is dead? Think about your people, struggling,
dying. Think about the children dying in the streets, growing up with
no hope. Save them. Here’s what you need to do. Fall on your sword,
Arafat, Sharon. Do yourselves in so that your people will be stunned to
peace. Show them you are leaders. Show them they are more important
than anything. Show them that you have failed and aren’t afraid to
admit it. That’s what leadership is. It is leading. Simple really, eh?
Admit failure and get out of the way, and start building a house based
on your people instead of words and symbols.

Kill all the symbols, get out of the way.

I am thinking that all this makes perfect sense, and I’m frustrated
that no one is making any moves… just sticking to careful little baby
steps based on past actions, past failures. I would not seek actively
to have such hardship thrust upon me, but, I think, I’m ready. I feel
prepared to make a bold move, to accept something so impossible, so
undoable, so gross an undertaking that my younger self would have fled
in its face. I’ve been battling rats for some time… sometimes, I
think, I’m ready to take on a that dragon.

Final thoughts on God

To me, it’s all those people in the middle saying, "Look, I don’t
know. Sometimes the idea of a creator seems so ludicrous and other
times so right. I don’t know. I don’t really believe, but neither do I
disbelieve." Then after some thought and perhaps years of struggle,
they realize. "You know what, it really doesn’t matter. I will live my
life. I will be kind to others. I will try to leave my space better
than I came into it. I will try to ease the suffering of others. I will
make a difference here and now… and I WON’T do it just because I will
get into heaven(if such a place exists). And I won’t not do wrong, not
because I DON’T want to go to hell (or other such nonesense)…. but
because, and here comes the revelation… because we are ALL here
together going through this thing called life. We all hurt. We all cry.
It’s difficult. We are all lost and fearful, and if we stick together
we just might be okay.

A Jedi Craves Not These Things

Have the "Under God" or don’t have it… it doesn’t really matter.
If you truly have no fear, then it shouldn’t matter. Not worrying about
"Under God" is not apathy, it is something that makes you strong.
People will recognize it and will search for a way out of the dark. The
dark can be a lot of places… not just non-belief in God. It is fear
and uncertainty which leads to selfishness, anger, hate.

The Message was simple. Have no fear. If you don’t fear, you
will find your salvation, which is to say, don’t worry about your
salvation. The problem with people who try to insert "WORDS" and
"SYMBOLS" into the collective conscienousness, is that they truly show
their fear. Same goes for those who fight to take them out You know
what, like I said, it doesn’t matter if the world is Godless. They
might just kill you…. but that wouldn’t change the Truth, would it?

The common theme is to just relax and be the kind of person
that God (insert your diety here) wants you to be… gentle but strong
and calm but firm. People recognise a person of principles and will
emulate accordingly. Jesus, didn’t wage lawsuits in Roman court to get
"Under God" placed in Roman children’s education.

He said, give to Cesaer what is Cesaer’s. That’s synominous with, dude, look, fight over words if you want, I’ve got work to do.

You Want Me to Pledge to What Again?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…

wha!? No way dude, @!#$ the flag. I would never pledge my allegiance
to stinking piece of cloth. Hell, if they pass an ammendment
prohibiting flag burning, I’ll be the first one on the steps of the
capitol burning the sucker. I don’t put my life on the line for a damn
piece of colored cloth. What kind of fool do you take me for? That line
belittles everyone who has ever served their country. It should be
stricken. Now if by "flag" you mean the ideals of the country, freedom
and liberty… well that’s cool, but never never never confuse the two.
One you can destroy with fire, the other you can destroy with apathy.

…and to the Republic for which it stands.

…Well kinda the same rant as above, but a little less strenuous.
USofA is a great place to live, but it still feels weird pledging my
allegiance to it as if it was a person or something.

…One nation…

Okay, no problems here. Although, "one nation" raises my hackles a
bit as if we weren’t ONE nation that would just be horrible. If
someday, say, California wants to secede… well let ’em. No use
spilling blood over it or anything. America isn’t great because it’s
got a lot of land, has some kind of cohesive ONE NATION kinda thing
going on. We are a diverse people whose strength comes from the fact
that we disagree on EVERYTHING. ONE NATION almost becomes a kind of ONE
TARGET. Well, it’s a small point. One nation is okay, I guess, I mean,
that’s what we actually ARE at the moment, but it’s not ALL we are.

…under God…

Hey, this isn’t anything new or specific. God is just a word used
for All Mighty Creator. It could be sentient, or tied to us all, or an
abstraction… who knows, but there’s something bigger than ourselves,
our collective lifeforce, our collective will, something… and for
lack of a better word we call it God. No problems there. You can take
or leave it… doesn’t change the ways things are though.


hmmm, sounds like Lincoln again. We all know how many people died
the last time we tried to enforce this point. I say, if they want to
go, let ’em. Leadership isn’t called "draggership." You can’t force
people to follow you. If you want them to follow you, to maintain a
cohesive country, you have to be the kind of state that people want to
be a member of.

…With liberty and justice for all.

Well, now that’s a nice ending. Maybe if we just used that part,
thought about it a bit more, and practiced it a bit harder, we would
actually HAVE it.

I guess only one line is really worth keeping, eh?

More of How Olaia Makes Life so Much Better

Our company is in the midst of moving to a new office. It’s been
difficult, with all the papers, clutter, furniture, and computers. To
top it all off, we are moving to a smaller space. I don’t have the
faintest idea how we are going to fit all this shit. It’s pure chaos,
something which I don’t handle well.

"I’m being pushed beyond my specifications!" I cry in despair to
Laura. "I’m sorry I’m not good enough to manage all this!" I continue
my rant, out of desparation, venting my feelings of frustration and
hopelessness. "I wasn’t built for managing chaos. I can’t deal with
this. Give me something simple to do, and I can do it. I just need
something simple that my mind can handle!"

Olaia, looks my way, thinks for a moment, and informs me, "Daddy, you can put my shoe on."

Olaia Logic

Laura(emphatically): Olaia, you have to eat your ice cream cone from the sides.

Olaia (irritated): Nooooooo, I want to eat it from the top.

Laura: Olaia, you have to listen to Mommy.

Me: Yes, little girl you have to stop saying "no" all the time.

Olaia (questioningly): Yes… I want to eat it from the top?

Laura and I: (Guffaw, fall down laughing).

Nobody’s Perfect, Least of all Me

tutores_en_accion_016_sm.jpgI said goodbye to my students at the Juvenile Detention Center last
week (Tuesday). They had a day out from the prison at a local Catholic
University, a day of swimming, exercise, and enjoyment, capped off with
a prayer vigil in the university chapel.

The project is called "Tutores en Acción" (Tutors in Action) de San
Ignacio (our parish). I saw an announcement in a Sunday bulletin last
year that was calling for volunteers to tutor in a prison. It spoke to
me. Who among us is more lost than those that have fallen so far to the
wayside. If there is anybody that needs companionship, tutoring,
mentoring, or somebody to care, it is they. Anyway, I wanted to do it,
but hadn’t the time or the motivation to get off my ass and actually
execute. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or so the
saying goes.

One Sunday, the sermon was about being ordinary during Ordinary Time
(season of the liturgical year). "Do you want to be ordinary?" was the
call. Hell no, and I signed up. As it turned out the semester was just
beginning on Tuesday, so it was fortuitous.

I ended up with two students, Manuel Nuñez and Juan Luis Rivera,
because there weren’t enough of us to go around. I helped them with
their english (just to do something), but mostly we talked, learning
from each other. I helped give them a perspective outside of the
streets, gangs, and limited opportunities that face them every day in
their ambient. Sometimes when all you see around you is a particular
behavior or life path, it doesn’t seem so bad, rather, it seems right.
It isn’t until you see how other people live, get a bit of perspective,
possibly step outside of your cultural limitations, see new vistas,
that you see how small your life has been… or rather how much bigger
it could be. I think once you take that first step outside of what you
have known, it creates a hunger that never ends. I want to know more. I
want to become more. Basically, we hit that point over and over and
over all semester.

At one point, Manuel got into some trouble with a urine test. Perhaps
he had reverted to drugs, or something, but bascially got caught
switching urine samples. Anyway, he received another 4 months of
encarceration for this. He nearly despaired completely. I noticed a
change in his demeaner, he became more withdrawn, melancholy, angry.

We had a long heart to heart in which he expressed his axiety of being
in this place. "No puedo," (I can’t) he would say, as if to say four
months more would break him. He expressed his anger, his weakness to
become enraged (as one week his black eye confirmed). It was costing
him more time in this purgatorial realm.

"Manuel, you need to stop thinking about the day you leave this place.
You will drive yourself nuts thinking about that year and four months
down the road. Your life is here now, isn’t it."

"Yes," he agreed.

"You can’t think about your life outside of here. Look around, what can
you do with your life right here? You have a year and four months to do
SOMETHING. What is it going to be? Sit on your ass and whine, or make
something of this time?"

"I dunno," he said as if it was the first time he had heard that before.

"Why do you think, Manuel, that this guy dissed you? Do you think he
was frightened or threatened by you? Do you think he had something to
prove to someone else? In either case, he needs something he doesn’t
have. He’s more lost than you are. He’s smaller than you are.


"Next time look at him as a tiny little lost child throwing a tantrum.
Try to help him, not maybe in the heat of the moment, but walk away and
then come back later and offer a hand of friendship. Make a project for
yourself. Manuel, there is much to do here. Take some of it upon

"I’ll try," he answered skeptically. I didn’t hope for much, but maybe just a tiny bit sunk in.

In subsequent weeks we practiced tranquility, quiet words, peace, calm
in the face of the torment. I related to him my failings with my
temper, and how I should try to reflect more empathy before I lash out
with my words… try to put myself in the shoes of the other. "I fail
frequently," I told him.

"Claro, we can’t be perfect. Everybody fails from time to time," he answered.

"Yes, that’s for sure."

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