To me, it’s all those people in the middle saying, "Look, I don’t
know. Sometimes the idea of a creator seems so ludicrous and other
times so right. I don’t know. I don’t really believe, but neither do I
disbelieve." Then after some thought and perhaps years of struggle,
they realize. "You know what, it really doesn’t matter. I will live my
life. I will be kind to others. I will try to leave my space better
than I came into it. I will try to ease the suffering of others. I will
make a difference here and now… and I WON’T do it just because I will
get into heaven(if such a place exists). And I won’t not do wrong, not
because I DON’T want to go to hell (or other such nonesense)…. but
because, and here comes the revelation… because we are ALL here
together going through this thing called life. We all hurt. We all cry.
It’s difficult. We are all lost and fearful, and if we stick together
we just might be okay.