Our company is in the midst of moving to a new office. It’s been
difficult, with all the papers, clutter, furniture, and computers. To
top it all off, we are moving to a smaller space. I don’t have the
faintest idea how we are going to fit all this shit. It’s pure chaos,
something which I don’t handle well.

"I’m being pushed beyond my specifications!" I cry in despair to
Laura. "I’m sorry I’m not good enough to manage all this!" I continue
my rant, out of desparation, venting my feelings of frustration and
hopelessness. "I wasn’t built for managing chaos. I can’t deal with
this. Give me something simple to do, and I can do it. I just need
something simple that my mind can handle!"

Olaia, looks my way, thinks for a moment, and informs me, "Daddy, you can put my shoe on."