jaimito_looking_cool_sm.jpgI just downloaded some pictures from the camera and found this one
of Jaimito that just keeps me chuckling (which I edited and put in a
different background). Look at that face, so earnest, so impish, so
knowing. What a stare. It’s like he knows he’s got you wrapped around
his finger, the little showoff.

He’s getting bigger and bigger every day and like his sister already
has a strong personality. He loves to play, laugh and is easily amused.
He also gets quite grumpy when no one is paying attention to him. If
left alone in his bouncer seat for two seconds, he’s wailing for
someone to play. You appear, and like magic, the floodworks are
instantaneously shut off. To tell you the truth, I think this picture
just about sums up his entire personality, the hint of a smile, the
feeling that he knows more than he lets on, and a reclining pose that
oozes self assurance.

Oh, he’s going to be trouble, that little one. *chuckle*