El Gringoqueño

All a man needs out of life is a place to sit ‘n’ spit in the fire.

Page 18 of 51

Pancakes a la Irene

It’s the lining that’s important, we said, the silver lining, that is.  It is always a struggle to see it, dulled by the swirling mists and clouds and rain.  Oh, and was there rain… 20 inches in one day in some places.  Our electricity went out first, and with it Internet, phone, and then the water.  Power was out for two days and it took a good chunk of the stuff in our refrigerator.  Water came back after three, and Internet and phone after four.

So where is the silver lining, you ask?  Look closely, and you will find it in the pancakes.  That’s right, those pancakes were made with spoiled milk.  Those rich fluffy, cake-y, awesome confections were made with lumpy cheesy milk.  They always turn out super extra special when we use spoiled milk, and with the power outages we suffer weekly, it’s a common occurrence.

So, bring it.  Hit us with your best shot.  We’ll just keep making more pancakes.

So Here’s a Perfect Example of Biased Reporting

California orders gay history in school textbooks – US news – Life – msnbc.com.

What the story is really about is a state law that removes the exclusion of key figures in California history.  You can’t do that any more, says the state law.  You must include the contributions of gay folks.

The way the title reads is perfect fodder for right wing reactionaries to screech, “See, THEY do have an agenda, and they are going to cram it down our throats.  We’ll have to learn gay history!”

Sigh, it’s just history.  There’s no black history.  There’s no gay history.  It’s all OUR history.  We should learn as much of it as possible.

Oh, here’s another interesting link I saw the other day.  I did not know this:



Why Weiner Took Photos of His Weiner

I’m not going to beat around the bush.  Laura and I suspect we know the reason he and a rash of other celebrities of a certain age are being caught with their pants down.  It’s male hormone replacement therapy.  Testosterone or something related.  It’s gotta be.   Access to it is becoming more commonplace every day and one of the side affects is teenage behavior.  Remember what it felt like?  Well, take this replacement therapy and your energy will pick up.  You’ll make better strides in your athletic performance and you’ll feel great!

Side effects may include stupidity.

There, I said it.  The reason these idiots (Woods, Weiner, Schwarzenegger, among others)  are imploding at such a rapid rate is that they are taking hormones.


Be Careful What You Wish For

A lot of the work I do is bascially phone/email corporate tech support.   I get the IT managers and their assistants calling me for advice and troubleshooting on network, security, email spam, filtering, and on and on.  I’m sort of the go to guy for corporate IT managers in my little circle in Puerto Rico.

Here’s the thing, I used to get annoyed by the fact that I couldn’t get ANYONE to use email.  Email is my trouble ticket system.  It’s allows me to assign a date to the incident, make a to do list, and have a record in case my clients forget that they called me.

Here’s the problem:

Everyone wanted to call.  Everyone wanted to leave voice mail messages that said, “Give me a call.”  There was no mention of the problem, a description anything.  If they did send an email it would say something like, “I have a problem with the server.”    I would sigh, pull out my crystal ball and divine up the problem with a series of repetitive questions…  all of which we’ve been through before.  If there’s a problem with an email, instead of emailing me the bounce, error or whatever, they’d call and say that someone (top secret identity?) was having problems with their mail.  Sending? Receiving?  Was anyone else having this problem?  Was it with only a particular recipient?  Was it a network problem?  Can I see a copy of the email bounce in question?  And on and on.   Wouldn’t it just be easier for them to click forward and send me the email?  They already know what I’m going to ask.

But they didn’t, and for many moons, I felt like an automated question engine running through my script, yes, no, no yes, okay BING here’s your problem.  But recently, perhaps in the past year or two, something has changed, and I suspect it has something to do with social media and SMS.

People have stopped using the phone to make voice calls.  I’ve noticed it in personal relationships.  Talking has become passé.  People are now practiced in asynchronous communications.   We can now dispense with the “Hi, how are you, how’s your family,” salutations and pleasantries that used to bind our social network of personal interaction.  Now it’s all asynchronous and me-centered.  I have information I want to send you, here it is.  Read it when you wish, but I don’t really want to talk to you.  We post on our facebook, twitter, whatever and just throw it out there.  It requires NO interaction.  People will take that and use it for what it’s worth.  We are detached from our communications.  Everything is a discrete packet self-contained and autonomous – automated.

It’s a shame to admit it, but it makes my job easier.  I can knock things out with minimal stupidity.  Simple bug report, simple fix.  It seems social media and SMS has trained my clients to send it and forget it.   I have become an automaton, a problem solving engine dependent on rich precise input.

But is this is healthy for society at large outside of specific business contexts?  What are your thoughts?

Did the Whole World Suddenly Stop Blogging?

Kinda seems that way, doesn’t it, that the whole world stopped blogging all at once.  I got off track and then busy, then one week became two, became a month, then two, then… sheesh.  Will I ever post here again?  Will I ever want to post again?  It’s weird, because a good fifty percent of the blogs I regularly read have stopped cold too.  It’s like the the world breathed some sort of collective “meh” about blogging.  I’m still trying to figure out why I don’t have anything to say, but while I ponder it, my fellow bloggers can suck it.

I posted.  I’m still here.

Phosphate-Free Enzymatic Cleaning System(TM)

Makes kitchen cleanup a snap, even removes the hardest baked/caked-on residue with no fuss and no muss.  Just place pots and pans on the floor, walk away and let nature take its course.  BEST TIME SAVER EVER!

They’re happy.  I’m happy.  WIN!

Your Oil is My Freedom – My Freedom is Your Oil…

I’m seriously annoyed with the press coverage devoted to the oil gusher.  BP is bad, bad, bad.  Evil they are.  No wait, they are incompetent, lazy, greedy corporate bastards at best, evil fish killing, baby seal clubbing, agents of the apocalypse at worst.  It’s stuck in my craw, I tells ya, this BP bashing.  It’s so convenient to sit on our asses and bash bash bashidy bash.

Where does our complicity in this spill start for the average global citizen?  How do we, as a society, divorce ourselves from the problems that arise when we are addicted in a gluttonous fashion to free flowing black crude?  We need cheap food, because we demand value.  Farmers must consolidate their production farther and farther from the centers of consumption.  They must use fertilizers fabricated from petroleum, transport it long distances using petroleum, to supermarkets lit with electricity derived from petroleum, purchased by consumers driving their little metal bubbles powered by petroleum.  It’s in our plastics, toys, cars, winter warmth, food, and freedom.

Oil is in our freedom?!  Quick get a skimmer to get that shit out of there.  You can’t, and you know it.  It has flowed into America’s freedom wetlands, soaked into the sand of liberty, and been choked down the gullets of our winged agents of change.  Its slimy mess has turned to a thick oozing muck and seeped in so deep, extraction is impossible.

BP is evil though, we muse, and we continue to sit and wring our hands about how bad Big Oil is and how good we are because we care about the fishies, and the birdies, and the little shimpies, and those poor shrimping families that can’t feed themselves now.  Oh boo hoo; let’s go to Wal-Mart and buy a bigger TV so we can watch bluray.

Forget the news coverage.  Forget BP.  This tragedy makes two things clear:

  1. We are addicted to oil, and it is our collective fault, not only BP’s.
  2. We should not be doing deep water drilling at all if we can’t manage a worst case scenario.  To paraphrase Ralph Nader,  oil drilling currently seems to be unsafe at any depth.
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