jaimito_fall_2003_0022.jpgJaimito, is a little party animal. There
is no doubt. He takes after his mommy. I guess that’s why I like
hanging around the two of them so much. In college, Laura was the
nucleus of all fun, our circle of friends orbiting like electrons
attracted to her positive energy. In all reality, I’m just along for
the ride. Sometimes it’s a bit bumpy, but oh the fun! Couple that with
the fact that she’s a good stable element, and you’ve got a perfect

Jaimto is definitely Laura’s son.

been saying something for the past month or so. It sounds like
"Go-qool." He says it so emphatically and precisely, that is, the exact
same way every time. I, for the life of me, haven’t been able to figure
out what he has been trying to communicate. Today, as we were getting
up, he repeated it while Laura was putting on his shirt.

"Oh, you want to go bye-bye," she said.

that what he’s been saying?" I said incredulously. "He’s saying go out
or go bye-bye? Geez, all this time, I never figured it out. It was
never on my radar screen that he could possibly be expressing a desire
to go out, to get out, to go bye-bye." And my mind wandered back to all
times he’d said it. He’d been bored, looking for excitement.

"Daddy, I’m tired of my toys, I want some REAL ACTION. I WANT TO PARRRRRRRTTTTTYYYYY!!!"

well I guess that explains it. He is your son, hon. Since, I’m not such
an initiator of partying, it never dawned on me that he could be
wishing for action, to go bye-bye." I shake my head, "Well, if you two
come up with something fun to do, you’ll let me know, right? I don’t
want to be left behind."