I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…
wha!? No way dude, @!#$ the flag. I would never pledge my allegiance
to stinking piece of cloth. Hell, if they pass an ammendment
prohibiting flag burning, I’ll be the first one on the steps of the
capitol burning the sucker. I don’t put my life on the line for a damn
piece of colored cloth. What kind of fool do you take me for? That line
belittles everyone who has ever served their country. It should be
stricken. Now if by "flag" you mean the ideals of the country, freedom
and liberty… well that’s cool, but never never never confuse the two.
One you can destroy with fire, the other you can destroy with apathy.
…and to the Republic for which it stands.
…Well kinda the same rant as above, but a little less strenuous.
USofA is a great place to live, but it still feels weird pledging my
allegiance to it as if it was a person or something.
…One nation…
Okay, no problems here. Although, "one nation" raises my hackles a
bit as if we weren’t ONE nation that would just be horrible. If
someday, say, California wants to secede… well let ’em. No use
spilling blood over it or anything. America isn’t great because it’s
got a lot of land, has some kind of cohesive ONE NATION kinda thing
going on. We are a diverse people whose strength comes from the fact
that we disagree on EVERYTHING. ONE NATION almost becomes a kind of ONE
TARGET. Well, it’s a small point. One nation is okay, I guess, I mean,
that’s what we actually ARE at the moment, but it’s not ALL we are.
…under God…
Hey, this isn’t anything new or specific. God is just a word used
for All Mighty Creator. It could be sentient, or tied to us all, or an
abstraction… who knows, but there’s something bigger than ourselves,
our collective lifeforce, our collective will, something… and for
lack of a better word we call it God. No problems there. You can take
or leave it… doesn’t change the ways things are though.
hmmm, sounds like Lincoln again. We all know how many people died
the last time we tried to enforce this point. I say, if they want to
go, let ’em. Leadership isn’t called "draggership." You can’t force
people to follow you. If you want them to follow you, to maintain a
cohesive country, you have to be the kind of state that people want to
be a member of.
…With liberty and justice for all.
Well, now that’s a nice ending. Maybe if we just used that part,
thought about it a bit more, and practiced it a bit harder, we would
actually HAVE it.
I guess only one line is really worth keeping, eh?