A little spider had strung a line from a hanging lamp to the floor.  Jaimito noticed him first when he came into the kitchen early in the morning.  He was so tiny, at first I could not spot him.  “Daddy, watch out.  He’s right there,” he said pointing.  His tone was not one of alarm or fear, but simply a motion of caution.  Please be careful, our spider friend is there.  Don’t hurt him.

“He’s our spider-bro, Jaimito. Ready to defend us.”

“Yeah, he’s like ‘I got my eye on you, fly'”  I laughed at Jaimito assuming the voice of our little friend.

“That’s too funny!”

With the bustle in the kitchen it seemed most prudent to relocate him, lest something happen to our faithful arachnid vigilante.  I picked off the web from the hanging lamp and edged my way to the corner.  Spider bro, leaped to the floor and was gone.

“I got my eye on you, fly!”