olaia_sleeping.jpgOlaia, has this hilarious thing she has been doing lately. She
thinks she has super powers (too much Powerpuff Girls, I guess). When
she get’s tired she tells us that her powers are gone. Hehe. "Mommy,
Daddy, my powers are all gone."

"Oh, really, little girl."

"I’m not a little girl, I’m a big girl!"

"Okay, maybe if you go to sleep your powers will come back."

So off she goes to bed. When she wakes up in the morning, she comes
out and blinks rapidly at me. "Daddy, my powers are back." I fall down
as she zaps me with her eye beams.

"Oh no, you got me with your eye beams."

"They are not eye beams, Daddy. They’re lasers."

"Oh. Well, you got me with your lasers!" She smiles and laughs and chases me around the house. I tell you, it’s a riot.