El Gringoqueño

All a man needs out of life is a place to sit ‘n’ spit in the fire.

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Look, Talking Heads in the News Media…

Look, if you preface your statement with “look” you are a douchebag.

Look, I shouldn’t really have to say it to you, but, – sigh – I guess I will again, because I am sooooo smart and you are sooo dumb, but the word “look” as a preface is condescending and all it does it cover up your lack of credentials, expertise, and gravitas. Look, the word “look” is for posers trying to seem smart by belittling the audience and host by tricking them into thinking you are smarter or more informed than you appear.

But look, it’s just a tip from me to you – what do I know?

Look, I’m looking at you Mr. looky look William Bennett.

Talking about Brett Kavanaugh this morning at brunch with the kids

Jim: So, the glaring difference I see is that you should be able to give more stories about Brett other than, “He’s a good guy.” I know some good people, and if you asked me what I thought of them, I’d have stories that would demonstrate their character.

Javier: Daddy, maybe Brett is the kind of guy that has dumb friends who can’t even invent a good story about him.

All of us: ROFL!!!!

A Senator’s Perspective

“Mr. Kavanaugh, would you call for an FBI investigation?”

“Um, um, I uh, um. Well, isn’t this what we are doing? Investigating. I don’t know why. I’ve already been investigated 6 times. The FBI has given me a green light.”

“I know that, Mr. Kavanaugh, but in light of recent information -”

Interrupting “That’s what we’re talking about here. Sheesh, why don’t you people -”

“Pardon me? Hold on a second, Mr. Kavanaugh. I want to remind you of something here. I am a United States Senator. What that means is that I am a representative of the people of my state, millions of Americans. When you talk to me, you are not talking to an individual, you are talking to the people of the United States. I am very aware of my duties and what I am called to do here. Do the people who have sent me here differ in their political outlook than some of the constituents of the other members of this panel? Yes, most definitely. There is a balance to be struck here, but make no mistake of it, the people of my state are no less relevant than the people of other states. A dismissal of my constituents, is a disrespect to America. We have a duty to do here, and we intend to do it as dispassionately and and methodically as possible.”

“Now, with that said, I can understand how the divisions between the two competing political parties may give you pause as to the fairness of your treatment. Rather than turn toward one side and shun the other, I would exhort you to look at us all on an equal basis, as the representatives of the American People. To sum up, when I ask you if you would invite an FBI investigation, it is only in the spirit of wanting to get to the bottom of this matter. I am a Senator, not an investigator. I will also admit that I represent the political views of my state which may not match with yours. Therefore, an FBI investigation is in your best interests as well as mine. If an investigation is conducted, and turns up nothing – shows us that these allegations are mistaken in their entirety, then I would vote for your confirmation even though your judicial record does not match the values of my constituents in general. If your reputation is of utmost concern for you, then I would submit that an FBI investigation would definitely and in a non-partisan fashion, clear your name. I can think of no reason for you to resist an independent non-partisan investigation other than you are afraid of what they will find.”

Does this sound familiar?

After yesterday’s confirmation hearing and testimony, something became pretty clear to me.

“Hey baby, you I think it’s time we um…   You know, I took you out to dinner. I bought you a gift. I was a perfect gentleman. Didn’t you like the dinner? The drinks? Top shelf stuff. Now, it’s my turn. Don’t I deserve a reward of some sort?”

“I don’t think I’m ready, Brett.”

“Oh, why not? You should be. What are you waiting for? I’m handsome, successful, connected. You should be throwing yourself at me.”

“I need more time, Brett. It’s just not that easy.”

“This is ridiculous. You can’t say no to me! I’ve given you so much. NOW IT’S MY TURN! You’re ruining my life!”

Contrast that with what should have happened.

“So, I really enjoyed our time together. Do you want to continue it someplace else?”

“I did, Brett, I had a totally nice time, but I have a long day tomorrow. Don’t take it the wrong way, but I really need to get a good night’s sleep.”

“Oh, of course. I totally understand. I didn’t mean… I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your company, and didn’t want to end the evening yet. I like you. I enjoy spending time with you, but I don’t want to rush into anything either… or rush you into anything. I’ll still be here next week.”  Smile. “I mean, not right here at this table, but around, you know?”

Laughing, “Sure, yes. I do like you too, Brett. I’ll call you.”

So sure, Brett may not get the girl, maybe she’s not into him. Maybe he’s not a great fit for where she is at that moment. And Brett’s okay with that. He might be disappointed, but he’s not the kind of guy would would force himself onto another. He’s not a petulant entitled spoiled brat who thinks because he punched the right tickets, did the right things, knew the right people, that he should deserve her, that she is his for the taking.

He’s A Good Guy

I think I’ll weigh on the Brett Kavanaugh thing, okay? I wouldn’t do it unless I had something to say that is different from what I’ve heard in the media. It’s been talked to death, I know, but there’s something I think people are missing.

“He’s a good guy. That’s not the Brett I know,” said various classmates who have signed letters of support.

So what’s missing? Isn’t that the end of the story?

“He pushed me to the bed, placed his hand over my mouth and got on top of me, attempting to remove my clothes,” said Christine Blasey Ford. “His friend Mark Judge, kind of jumped on us knocking everybody to the floor and I was able to collect myself and escape.”

There’s a glaring difference between the two descriptions of Kavanaugh, and it’s not just one is bad and the other good.

Shifting gears a bit, I do these resume, job search, interviewing workshops for folks looking to better their job hunting skills. One of the tips I give them is to make sure your accomplishments are specific. “I was the best worker at my old job” isn’t as strong as, “I exceeded my sales quotas by 25% in four consecutive quarters” or “I was awarded with employee of the month among 40 employees for the month of July 2018.”

Those are specific achievements and tell us much more than, I was a hard worker, or I was liked, or I was a good guy.

Now do you see it?

A criminal can be a good guy. A criminal isn’t defined 24/7 by his criminal activity. Actions can be discrete. A person can rob a bank and still be a loving son and friend, a “good guy.” In fact, don’t we hear it a lot? He seemed like such a good guy, I never would have expected that type of behavior from him. It’s almost cliché.

Okay, so what’s the takeaway here? For starters, I want Mr. Kavanaugh’s resume to contain specifics. He needs to firm up his statements of “I’m a good guy” with something that demonstrates his good guyness. What are those actions that make him a good guy? Tell us more about his character? For example:

“Brett was the kind of guy that would always look out for others. Now, I know there was alcohol at these parties, and yes, Brett was there, but he was always looking out for others. If you had too much to drink, he’d make sure you were okay. Since he was on the football team and a respected leader, when he asked you for your keys, you didn’t refuse. That’s the kind of guy he was. There was this time I watched him charm the keys out of the hands of a much bigger boy. He just kind of disarmed him, didn’t embarrass him. The guy afterward acted like Brett had just done him a great favor, which he did, of course, but you know how these things can get problematic.”


“I remember distinctly, this one time that Brett intervened with a girl that looked cornered by a drunk young man. He didn’t make a scene or get in a fight or anything, but just the force of his character was able to cut off the unwanted affections from the young man and usher the young woman away. He looked out for the girls, and I think he knew that some of the boys could be problematic. But that was not Brett.”


“It wasn’t enough for Brett to achieve, he wanted to make sure that others did as well. In addition to the service hours that were required by the high school, he went out of his way to establish study sessions, giving of his limited free time between football and basketball practice to make sure that his classmates were not falling behind. When we say he was a good guy, that’s what we mean. He didn’t just stick to his achievements, he wanted everyone to achieve. If you look at the class as a whole, you will notice that Brett’s class had a higher average GPA than classes before and after. I can’t prove it, but I think it had something to do with Brett.”

But I ain’t heard none of that. Not even a peep, other than “That’s not the Brett I know” or “He’s a good guy.” All I hear is the stories of a paper tiger, an entitled douchbag who has managed to keep his head down and maintain the status quo for his entire life, checking the boxes, being a generically “good guy” in the same way that white men who occupy high positions have gotten passes for decades – just on the strength of their outwardly normative behavior.

Let’s be clear. There are specific allegations against him. Those specific allegations cannot be dismissed by “That’s not the Brett I know.” If you want to portray Brett’s character, you’re going to have to come up with some specific stories of that demonstrate that character.

UPDATE (Later this same day – I swear I’m not making this up): Well, shit, Brett, you don’t seem like a good guy AT ALL.

I just wanna say

Although I agree ideologically with people that are upset at officials within the Trump administration, if you are berating someone while they are having a meal or kicking them out of your restaurant, you are a crackpot.

Wow – this article came out today

It’s like Richard Stallman is reading my blog! 🙂 Haha, is joke.

Finally, don’t forget the software in your own computer. If it is the non-free software of Apple, Google or Microsoft, it spies on you regularly. That’s because it is controlled by a company that won’t hesitate to spy on you. Companies tend to lose their scruples when that is profitable. By contrast, free (libre) software is controlled by its users. That user community keeps the software honest.

Read more

This is pretty much why I use only software libre. I can’t write it all myself, but I have more trust in groups that don’t hold profit as a motive when I entrust to them my data. These non-profit companies develop software that allows me to see and manipulate the source code. I can do anything I want with it, except close it up.

Open Source serves the user – Closed source serves the company

Just wanted to jot down another frustrating example of how closed source software serves the creator company before it serves the user and why particular choices are made at the point of development.

I have been doing some research and have come across hundreds of PDFs of doctoral dissertations written by smart people about extremely interesting topics, but surprisingly nearly all the papers begin with “Microsoft Word – …” as the prefix to the paper’s title field embedded in the PDFs property data and dutifully indexed by Google as such. In none of the cases is “Microsoft Word” relevant to the topic discussed.

Curious, no?

So let’s ask ourselves why might Microsoft Word appear as a default prefix to the topic title of the work you are producing. Maybe it’s the particular manner of the chain of custody between Word and the PDF renderer (I don’t use Windows, so I have no idea how it works in that world). Maybe it’s Microsoft Word itself. I have no real idea. But the problem exists – your work, your data, your investigation has Microsoft branding barfed all over it.


Microsoft wants more search engine traction. By making all PDFs produced with Microsoft Word embed the string “Microsoft Word” into your work’s title, they ensure that every search for your work will also yield a boost for them. Microsoft is piggybacking on your hard work.

Microsoft just wants everybody everywhere to know that there is only one way to write an academic paper. Using the same motivation as the search engine, Microsoft hopes that for every paper published or read, people will continue to regard the string “Microsoft Word” as the only manner in which people may produce textual works. It becomes so conditioned into our expectations that when it doesn’t appear we think, something must be wrong.

I mean, it’s no secret that Microsoft, a for profit company, seeks its own ends, that these decisions are made to benefit them and no one else. Why else would they helpfully embed their brand into your document? Does that help you?

There’s a better way, however. Contrast Microsoft’s tack with that of the Document Foundation, whose values favor and empower the user rather than the organization. Among others, here’s a particularly nice gem from their core values: We commit ourselves to allow users of office productivity software to retain the intellectual property in the documents they create, by use of open document formats and open standards.

And we find that when you output a PDF from Libreoffice it doesn’t alter your title. Cool.

White Privilege – A Clarification

Hey, I get it. You don’t feel privileged. You’ve worked hard to accomplish something in your life. You’ve faced some hard knocks, but you’ve persevered and you have achieved. You might hear “white privilege” and dismiss it as offensive and racist; somebody’s trying to take away something from you that you earned.

I hear you, but I want to clarify something.

White privilege is a group phenomenon, a larger social issue rather than an individual one. In fact, I’ll equate it to climate change. Human driven climate change isn’t weather change, as certain U.S. Senators would like to imagine. Climate change works on a global level and is manifested as an increasing global average temperature. Yes, there are local fluctuations, but OVERALL the planet temperature is rising. White Privilege is a social phenomenon whose effects are felt in aggregate as asymmetric incarceration rates, greater income inequality etc. Yes, there are fluctuations. There are some suffering white folks just as there are some affluent black folks, but overall, there is a general social and economic advantage in America to being white.

I will concede that perhaps “white privilege” is a term that is probably unnecessarily antagonistic and when launched as a rebuke certainly isn’t building bridges. Still, I would exhort people who would classify themselves as white to attempt to understand where it comes from and own the concepts behind it. Try to see the collective position of power not as privilege for oneself, but as a duty to correct the sins of the past.

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