All a man needs out of life is a place to sit ‘n’ spit in the fire.

Category: Current Events (Page 9 of 9)

Stuff that’s pop-tastic, pop-o-licious, and currently playing on FoxNews

Me? Like the Pope? Not So Much

“Man, I am so sick of this love affair with the Pope. Sheesh,
everyone wants to just bow down and worship this guy like he’s done
so much or something. What has he done?”

Laura, who is a fan of the Pope, answers, “He’s reached out
to other religions, healed some long suffering wounds inflicted long
ago. He’s reached out to the peoples all around the globe, and held
firm on moral conviction.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “He denounced apartheid, and it
is said is partly responsible for its fall by applying political
pressure. They like to give him partial credit for helping end
communism in the world too with his intervention in Poland. So I
guess he’s stood up for equality and justice during his papacy.”

“Yes,” she agreed.

“So how come he doesn’t foster equality in his own
organization? Over fifty percent of his flock is considered a second
class citizen. Women are excluded from virtually every facet of
Church leadership, from local to national to international levels.
Woman serve a subservient roll to priests, bishops, and are
non-existent in the official Vatican power structure. The Pope
pointed out the speck in his neighbor’s eye, but failed to see the
timber in his own. Now I can’t necessarily blame him for all this,
after all he’s just following Church doctrine handed down to him for
centuries, and he’s human. In effect, he’s just going with the flow,
following the tried and the true. You can’t blame someone for that, I
guess. He implemented faithfully the tenants of the Catholic Church
handed down for centuries.”

Laura nodded, knowing I was setting her up for another round of

“Let’s recap, shall we? Under the Pope we have the following

  1. Falling western church population, with growth in Africa and
    other third world regions.
  2. Falling membership in the religious orders, 40,000 Jesuits 20
    years ago has fallen to 20,000 today, all during the Pope John
    Paul’s reign. Why? An increasing number of parishes no longer have
    full time priests. There is a critical shortage of ordained
    religious servants.
  3. Church closings throughout the western world: my hometown of
    St. Louis is currently going through some ugly infighting concerning
    assets, closings, and consolidation.
  4. Church sex scandals: one of the most horrific and damaging
    scandals to ever break anywhere anytime. You think the Spanish
    Inquisition was bad? Try inflicting the same torment on children and
    remaining quiet about for decades. How long has the Pope been Pope?
    – Long enough for him take some responsibility for sure. I didn’t
    know or I wasn’t involved have never been nor will they ever be

You name it, and the Church has stumbled on it or is doing it
poorly. Don’t blame the parishioners, blame the leadership. It’s
always the leadership’s fault.

So if you were the board of directors of, hmmm, let’s say, Hewlett
Packard, and say Carly Fiorina had a strategy to increase profits
over a 6-10 year period, and say she didn’t increase them fast enough
or lost a little bit of share. Well, you’d take a hard look at her,
and you might fire her, right? Guess what? When you see your share
fall, and when corporate scandal reigns, and the company does poorly,
you fire management. A lot of the time, you hold them criminally
responsible. And I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard a CEO
claim that he was just doing what his predecessor was doing. ‘Um, I
thought using my personal secretary as a sexual perk was okay. I
mean, hell, all the other CEO’s did it. Lots of low interest personal
loans to myself? Well, we’ve done that for decades.’

Well, guess what, Mr. CEO, the 1980’s and the 1990’s where great.
Profits were up, people were getting rich. Hell, the board got rich
on the stock. But Mr. CEO, it’s the 2000’s and we ain’t in Kansas
anymore. You have to be able to react. You have to be able to adapt
to a changing landscape. You’ve got to make hard decisions. What the
hell do we pay you for, huh?

So I say the same thing to the Pope. What the hell have you been
doing over there in your walled city while the Roman Catholic Church
has been falling apart? You’ve been issuing decrees on birth control,
abortion, secularism and burying your head in the “if it ain’t
broke, don’t fix it” mentality oblivious to the creaky rusty
corrupt bucket of bolts that is shedding it’s shit all over the road.
You issue a memo, take a drive in your Pope-mobile, or make a trip to
have throngs of poor Catholics in third world countries come in
droves to weep and feint at the site of your holiness? Bah! You’re an
idiot, and you got the basic stuff wrong, very wrong. You’ve been
denying half your flock the possibility of renewing the face of the
Earth, simply because they don’t have a penis. What kind of shit is
that? I would have said, grow a pair, but at this point, it ain’t
gonna happen.

The Pope should’ve spent eighty percent of his time with the
problem children of the worldwide Church, eighty percent of his time
on the tough issues, eighty percent of the time going after the lost
sheep. He can then spend twenty percent of the time tending to his
flock of believers. Wasn’t that Jesus’s message? – The sheepherder,
upon losing one of his flock leaves the rest to go and search for it.
The prodigal son? Wasn’t this the lesson? I understand the Pope is
beloved by those that are with him, but what of the lost sheep, the
disillusioned Catholics, those for whom this bloated bureaucracy has
ceased to be relevant? It’s easy to preach to those who love you.
This Pope’s challenge was to preach to those that had gone astray,
the fallen away Catholics, the disillusioned, the angry, the hurt,
and the lost.

Mr. Pope, I will grant that you’ve done more than your cowardly
predecessors. You’ve perhaps done a satisfactory job these 27 years,
but I don’t expect a satisfactory job from “Jesus’s
representative on Earth.” I expect an extraordinary job. Mr.
Pope, this is one Catholic that won’t miss you a bit. I wish we could
have fired you a long time ago, but Pope for life is the way it goes.
Ain’t tenure a bitch? You can’t fire the incompetent, and they hang
on long after they’ve ceased to be even moderately productive.
History seems to be whitewashing your papacy for political reasons
(especially those shills at Fox News), but I know what you did not
do. Shame on you for your inaction and blindness.

I’m a bit scared for who’s coming next though. Might we go from
bad to worse?

Be afraid, be very afraid.

But what about this war?

War is ugly. War should be ugly. I watch the Bush administration
trying to contain the fire, batting it back as they try to save
Mosques, civilians, trinkets within the house that is on fire. The
house is burning, you moron. You’ve got to put it out. If bad guys
are using a Mosque to store weapons, the Mosque is already gone.
Level it it and anything in it, around it, underneath it. If a block
is harboring bad guys, take it out, the entire block, eliminate the
fire, lest it spread and burn everything else. Put it out. Fuck the
civilians, they should get the fuck out if they want to live. The
house is on fire, get the fuck out, get as far away as possible, take
your kids, your family. Don’t go fucking buy fruit in the middle of a
fire fight and cry about your little girl getting shot through the
head. Get the fuck out of the burning house, because it’s coming down.
Once the fire’s out and the firefighters have gone, THEN you can come
back and put your life back together.

Does that sound terrible to you? God, I hope so. The goal of war
is to put an end to it as quickly as possible, lest we become
comfortable with it. War must be prosecuted with extreme prejudice but
no malice. War is terrible, war is not something that should be entered
lightly. I’m sorry, but “credible intel” sounds too much like a hunch
to me. YOU DON’T GO TO WAR ON A HUNCH. Hunches are for TV gumshoes.
They have no place in foreign or domestic policy. I’m starting to
wonder if we’ve learned anything since Vietnam. You can’t manage a war
and you sure as hell can’t manage a fire… you can only put it out or
let it burn.

It’s Olympic Time Again and the “Best” We Have is Popping Out All Over

edwards.jpgIt reminds me of a scene. Picture this. There was a rising star
in the business community. He had even done pretty well monetarily,
well enough, in fact to have been invited to play polo at the club.
Look at him, they said. He’s young, so much promise. He’s bright,
good looking, and doing well for himself. We shall invite him to the
club to play polo.

So our young businessman dedicated himself to practicing a bit of
polo. He was a decent horseman, but he’d never played before. He
dutifully hired a trainer and secretly practiced on the weekends
hitting balls, riding, turning etc. He was sure he’d impress the
crowd and the blue-bloods with his ability.

The day of the polo outing arrived and he was out in front
immediately, whacking balls, shouldering into riders, shoving,
pushing, yelling. He’s going to crush them, CRUSH them and win!
WIN! WIN! He’s went for that prize with everything he had, that
little white ball bouncing around in the mud. He never took his eye
off the little white ball.

At the end of the day he’d bested the field with his take no
prisoners attitude, showed his metal and that he was superior stock,
better than the rest, worthy of inclusion.

An older gentleman made his way to the club house to find our
young friend, where he rested his hand upon his shoulder and said, “Dear
boy, a polo match isn’t about the polo.”

Why Rumsfeld is going Down.

smug_bastard.jpgI watched the testimony and questioning of Secretary Rumsfeld today
and it became crystal clear to me that his people just dropped his
pants. Either he’s not paying attention to what’s going on, or he’s
pissing people off who could be his friends. Somebody leaked this
investigation. Maybe he wasn’t managing the situation closely enough,
and it just "got out", or his people decided that going over his head
to the public would embarrass him. Either way it shows a failure of
leadership and he’s got to go.

When I was mobilized in Puerto Rico there were numerous
problems with the facilities, training, and planning. Even before my
unit had gotten there, there were news stories about the conditions,
strict restrictions on free time, and severe morale problems. After
having had the pleasure of spending a few weeks there, and hearing
about soldiers vandalizing toilets and showers, I became convinced it
was a failure of leadership. Demming said that 85% of your problems are
management and only 15% come from labor. This to me was never clearer
when the commander of the brigade showed up one day to "lay down the
law" to all of the bad little soldiers who weren’t playing nice. He
promptly got back into his car and drove his fat ass home to his cozy
house. My point is this: soldiers will endure the harshest conditions,
the strictest rules, and the worst possible conditions if they know
their leadership cares, is in it with them, and will sacrifice
everything for them.

Good officers know soldiers are the ones who fight, are the
ones who sacrifice, and are the ones who die. They are the point of the
sword. We officers wield it. Would we blame the sword for our pathetic
failures? The sword was too heavy. The sword wasn’t sharp enough. The
sun was in my eyes. I’ve heard it all, and you know what? It’s a poor
officer, Secretary of Defense, or President who blames soldiers for

It should tatooed on the heads of all leaders: "My
success is due to this fine sword. These is no equal to it in all the
world." and conversely: "My failure is mine alone. I did not do honor
to this sword. In more capable hands it would have yielded victory."

The failures in Iraq go all the way to the top. They go all the
way to the cowboys in charge, who believe a big sword makes them
somebody. It is the unconquerable soul of man, and not nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory.

And Secretary Rumsfeld does not understand that the sword HE
wields is a human sword. The sword is not made of metal, Apache’s,
F-16’s, Strykers, or any other technological "magic bullet." He has
forgotten, throughout his rampaging through the defense department, who
he works for, who’s the one fighting the war, who’s the one dying. He’s
forgotten, pissed off, trampled, belittled, and made a mockery of the
entire military.

And they fucked him. They fucked him hard.

Soldier’s will do that to you when you don’t have their respect.
Sure, heads will roll for not, "keeping this in-house,", but you can be
sure there’s an officer worth his salt staring Rumsfeld down saying,
"You can take me down, but I got you, you bastard. I got you!"

War, what’s it really good for?

I’ve become increasingly distressed and appalled by the world climate, both for what this administration is trying to do and what everyone else is doing about it (nothing).

I saw a headline yesterday that read: "US Steps Up Diplomacy Efforts for War with Iraq." Does anyone but me see the horrific oxymoron there? Using diplomacy as a tool to consecrate war? Huh? Let’s try an exercise shall we? Every time you see the word WAR replace it with FIRE. And every time you see the word SOLDIER or ARMY replace it with FIREFIGHTER. If you do that, you will not be tricked into seeing something that ain’t there. Let’s use diplomacy to try to convince the world that it’s time to start a fire. Now that doesn’t make sense does it?

A fire is something you don’t want. A fire is a failure, whether it be electrical wiring, a space heater, an accident, or arson. In any of these cases, it’s obvious. You send in the firefighters to put it out. There’s the blaze, let’s put it out. We have to save what people we can, get them out, maybe lose some of our own lives in the process, but in the end we put the fire out and go back to the fire station.

If you see smoke, there’s probably a fire. You send in the firefighters. They put it out. Anything short of that you DO NOT send in firefighters. Let me repeat.

Firefighters fight fires.

Why do I need to say it again? Well, there’s this guy that thinks that firefighters must also fix electrical wiring, stop arsonists, make sure space heaters aren’t next to the drapes, and that people don’t let kids play with matches.

Inspectors inspect wiring to prevent fires. Police arrest arsonists. Manufacturers and good education help people prevent accidental fires from heaters. Parents watch their kids to make sure they don’t play with matches.

Soldiers fight wars.

Soldiers are not police. Soldiers are not parents. Soldiers are not inspectors. Soldiers are not babysitters. We only fight wars when there is one, when diplomacy has FAILED, when an accident has happened, or when an crazy man has done something horrible.

WE GO PUT IT OUT! Then we go home. We leave the job then to the UN (Police), Inspection Teams, International Aid organizations, and other specific international bodies.

Bosnia? We went in, we kicked ass (put out the fire), and then stood down. We now have troops as part of the UN peacekeeping force, but let me be clear. They are not fighting fires. They are firefighters working for the city government trying to see that no more fires break out in this fire torn area. Our soldiers are working for an international body and are NOT fighting a war. The US firefighting team is not there. The UN Police force IS there though, of which we are a member.

Is that clear?

So, let’s summarize. We can’t go into Iraq, until one of the following happens:

  1. There is a fire. Saddam does something stupid.
  2. There is smoke. Saddam does something stupid.

If neither of those things is the case, than the US CANNOT go in as itself, a great firefighting squad.

If there is imminent danger, kid playing with matches, passing them around, a space heater is dangerously close to a drape, a guy buys some gasoline and matches, or we notice that the electrical system is not up to code, then we send in inspectors, police, observers, and a construction crew to make repairs.

We CANNOT do those jobs, no more than a firefighter can wrestle an assailant to the ground, babysit the kids, and be the handyman that puts your house up to code.

Our soldiers stand ready to move at a moment’s notice. We pledge to put out fires whenever the fire house bell rings. We will put out a fire if one erupts. We will put it out quickly, with as little loss of life as possible, and we will do our jobs. But, we DO NOT like to stand idly by while our fire captain runs out of firehouse with a can of gasoline and a match calling to us as he scrambles out, "Hey guys, I’ll have some work for you in a minute."

Death to Symbols

Lots of things have been happening to us (most not so good) so most
of it’s my internal coping, trying to come up with a method for dealing
with life. It’s not so bad though, just hard.

I’d like to clamber out of the crucible for a little while. Don’t get
me wrong. This crucible that is Puerto Rico, life etc. has helped me
become a better person. That I firmly believe. It’s also shown me how
woefully lacking is the world in great people, people of conscience,
people of passion.

Why can’t all these world leaders, caught up in their petty little
differences just make a bold move? At the moment of such hate, anger,
and fear… just reach out and embrace them. Do something so outside
the box as to stun the world into peace. It’s all there for the asking.
It just takes someone to make the leap. Sigh, there I go again.

Anyway, sometimes things happen to you and although they make you
better you don’t wish for them again. Take boot camp for example, a
worthwhile venture, but not one I’d care to repeat. Same goes for
Puerto Rico… however, it’s given me perspective on hardship that I
wouldn’t otherwise have.

If I was Arafat or Sharon, I’d resign. They are the two biggest
obstacles of peace in the Middle East. Two big angry idiots defending
their houses of cards. Each CAN NEVER admit fault. My system is
impeachable and I will fight to the death for it, they scream at each

Show me a person willing to kill for his system of beliefs and I will show you a person that does not believe them.

Each is so scared of pulling one single card. What happens when you
pull one single card from the house of infallibility? Were we ever
infallible to begin with?

Not that simple, you say? You can’t
just make bold moves like that and expect to get away with it? Hah, the
world IS that simple. It’s motivated by simplicity, bold deeds, people
who take action, and move with passion. What’s blocking the Mid East
from moving forward is one single thing, so simple that I imagine once
they figure it out the feeling stupid will nag them for generations.

Don’t preserve your way of life. Preserve your people. What good is a
way of life if everyone is dead? Think about your people, struggling,
dying. Think about the children dying in the streets, growing up with
no hope. Save them. Here’s what you need to do. Fall on your sword,
Arafat, Sharon. Do yourselves in so that your people will be stunned to
peace. Show them you are leaders. Show them they are more important
than anything. Show them that you have failed and aren’t afraid to
admit it. That’s what leadership is. It is leading. Simple really, eh?
Admit failure and get out of the way, and start building a house based
on your people instead of words and symbols.

Kill all the symbols, get out of the way.

I am thinking that all this makes perfect sense, and I’m frustrated
that no one is making any moves… just sticking to careful little baby
steps based on past actions, past failures. I would not seek actively
to have such hardship thrust upon me, but, I think, I’m ready. I feel
prepared to make a bold move, to accept something so impossible, so
undoable, so gross an undertaking that my younger self would have fled
in its face. I’ve been battling rats for some time… sometimes, I
think, I’m ready to take on a that dragon.

A Jedi Craves Not These Things

Have the "Under God" or don’t have it… it doesn’t really matter.
If you truly have no fear, then it shouldn’t matter. Not worrying about
"Under God" is not apathy, it is something that makes you strong.
People will recognize it and will search for a way out of the dark. The
dark can be a lot of places… not just non-belief in God. It is fear
and uncertainty which leads to selfishness, anger, hate.

The Message was simple. Have no fear. If you don’t fear, you
will find your salvation, which is to say, don’t worry about your
salvation. The problem with people who try to insert "WORDS" and
"SYMBOLS" into the collective conscienousness, is that they truly show
their fear. Same goes for those who fight to take them out You know
what, like I said, it doesn’t matter if the world is Godless. They
might just kill you…. but that wouldn’t change the Truth, would it?

The common theme is to just relax and be the kind of person
that God (insert your diety here) wants you to be… gentle but strong
and calm but firm. People recognise a person of principles and will
emulate accordingly. Jesus, didn’t wage lawsuits in Roman court to get
"Under God" placed in Roman children’s education.

He said, give to Cesaer what is Cesaer’s. That’s synominous with, dude, look, fight over words if you want, I’ve got work to do.

You Want Me to Pledge to What Again?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…

wha!? No way dude, @!#$ the flag. I would never pledge my allegiance
to stinking piece of cloth. Hell, if they pass an ammendment
prohibiting flag burning, I’ll be the first one on the steps of the
capitol burning the sucker. I don’t put my life on the line for a damn
piece of colored cloth. What kind of fool do you take me for? That line
belittles everyone who has ever served their country. It should be
stricken. Now if by "flag" you mean the ideals of the country, freedom
and liberty… well that’s cool, but never never never confuse the two.
One you can destroy with fire, the other you can destroy with apathy.

…and to the Republic for which it stands.

…Well kinda the same rant as above, but a little less strenuous.
USofA is a great place to live, but it still feels weird pledging my
allegiance to it as if it was a person or something.

…One nation…

Okay, no problems here. Although, "one nation" raises my hackles a
bit as if we weren’t ONE nation that would just be horrible. If
someday, say, California wants to secede… well let ’em. No use
spilling blood over it or anything. America isn’t great because it’s
got a lot of land, has some kind of cohesive ONE NATION kinda thing
going on. We are a diverse people whose strength comes from the fact
that we disagree on EVERYTHING. ONE NATION almost becomes a kind of ONE
TARGET. Well, it’s a small point. One nation is okay, I guess, I mean,
that’s what we actually ARE at the moment, but it’s not ALL we are.

…under God…

Hey, this isn’t anything new or specific. God is just a word used
for All Mighty Creator. It could be sentient, or tied to us all, or an
abstraction… who knows, but there’s something bigger than ourselves,
our collective lifeforce, our collective will, something… and for
lack of a better word we call it God. No problems there. You can take
or leave it… doesn’t change the ways things are though.


hmmm, sounds like Lincoln again. We all know how many people died
the last time we tried to enforce this point. I say, if they want to
go, let ’em. Leadership isn’t called "draggership." You can’t force
people to follow you. If you want them to follow you, to maintain a
cohesive country, you have to be the kind of state that people want to
be a member of.

…With liberty and justice for all.

Well, now that’s a nice ending. Maybe if we just used that part,
thought about it a bit more, and practiced it a bit harder, we would
actually HAVE it.

I guess only one line is really worth keeping, eh?

The Olympics are Dead to Me

Got disgusted with the Olympics a bit early this year and decided to
go right into Halloween. Is it just me or have the Olympics lost their
spirit in the past ten years?

I guess it all started going awry for me after they started
admitting professional athletes. I think it was summed up
unintentionally, but pretty well, by Venus Williams after winning the
gold medal in women’s singles tennis. "How does it feel to win a gold
medal?" She was asked.

"I never really much thought about it. I guess… I um.. it feels pretty good. I’m just so happy."

She tried to recover but the truth was there. Of course the slip is that she really hadn’t
thought about the Olympics. For her, the basketball dream team, and the
professional cyclists this was just another world class meet, not
something for which they had sacrificed, suffered, and struggled. The
struggle was before, when they were working to go professional and make
a career there, gain fame and fortune. Now after they are on top, we
say, hey why don’t you come out and win a gold medal for your country.
Maybe it’s ratings, maybe it’s national pride, win at all costs, whip
the world so to speak, but there just isn’t the personal passion that I
remember as a kid and teenager. Now it’s just one more notch on the
belt. Hrrmmpfff, *shrug* just another big meet.

I never get to see wrestling, probably one of the oldest and noblest
sports in Olympic history, naw, nobody’s ever heard of this kid from
Iowa. Oh wait, he beat the Russian… okay let’s show that match. Bah!!
I want to see amateur athletes struggling, fighting, and happy with
winning a bronze. Where was the decathlon coverage? Where was
wrestling, shot put, discus, javelin, swimming? These sports were
covered only marginally… perhaps there weren’t enough famous American
athletes there. Oh well, I guess, I’ll stop complaining. In the
meantime I’ll sit back and enjoy the newest most fantastic-liscous
sport we could have ever dreamed up… synchronized diving. AHHHHH, now
we’re getting somewhere.

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