Me: So yes, there’s these phrases and ideas that they have been using since Nixon to divide the electorate. First it was “drugs” and “counter culture.” Then it was women’s rights, the gays, environmentalism, and now trans, black lives matter, and DEI.
Laura: Like a thematic soup.
Me: OOo, I like that!
Laura: Oh, you’re too kind.
Me: I’m gonna write it down so I don’t forget!
This was a conversation we had over coffee this morning where I posit that even though the Russian disinformation campaign to divide Americans is real, they didn’t start it.
This is why I think the Right doesn’t see anything wrong with it, or try to stop it. They believe that Russia is ideologically aligned with them. Where’s the harm, they say.
That Russia is amplifying them is another issue, but don’t kid yourself, we’ve been doing this to ourselves for a lot longer.
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